Smartphones are considerably one of the greatest innovative pieces of technology that have surfaced in the 21st century. This portable piece of hardware is bound to ameliorate the lifestyle of anyone who holds it. However, when the same technology is overused, it can have various adverse effects on the one who’s using it. 

Even though there may be no compelling evidence, thorough research has revealed that smartphones can, in fact, play a role in leading to cancer. These phones rely on radio frequency energy for telecommunication. This radiation being emitted by the phone can be absorbed by the body tissue that is the closest to it. This is especially true when a person has the phone on their ear while they attend a call. The radio frequency energy becomes more substantial when you consider factors such as the technology that is being used in the phone, coupled with the distance of the user from the cell tower. The harder a phone tries to establish a connection, the greater energy it emits and the more radiation our body tissues absorb.

This same radiation can also prove to be deleterious for men. They usually keep their phone in close proximity to them which can be harmful if the lower part of their body is being exposed for such long durations. This affects the health of their testes and can actually drop the quality of sperm that are being produced. This negative change can actually impair male fertility.

When a person gets used to spending time on their phone, they eventually get addicted to it. They find themselves using it even when they do not have anything to do with it. This is because when they put their phone down, it becomes really difficult for them to not go back to it. This separation anxiety is what keeps the person at an increased stress level. People can’t help but check up on their phone repeatedly to see if they have any messages. The slightest of things regarding their phone can make them anxious. From the lighting up of the screen to simply a little notification sound, people always run back to their phones whenever they get the chance.

Studies have shown us that our mobile phones actually carry more germs than a toilet seat. People tend to take this lightly but you just have to think of it this way. How would you feel knowing that if you put a phone on a toilet seat, it’s the toilet seat that you would have to clean? People even take pictures of the food they’re about to eat from the very phone that is carrying all these germs. These germs may be underestimated in the eyes of many, but it’s pretty evident on how they make their way into the body and attack the immune system to weaken it. Due to the weaker immune system, our body becomes more prone to disease. 

When we are on our phones all the time, it can spell trouble for our physical well-being. Since we are always looking down into our phone, we always have our neck arched to keep our eyes focused on the screen. This poor posture can result in chronic pain in our back. We continuously hold our phone in different positions and keep putting our body through strange positions. This leads to pain and tiredness all throughout the body. Our vision also suffers since our eyes are under constant strain from the screen of the smartphone. Due to the fact that all our everyday tasks are done through the phone, we have no choice but to be glued to that screen. This is what affects our vision because our eyes are exposed to this light for several hours every day. 

Always being on the phone has led to the fact that this is a distraction that can easily ruin our sleep cycle. It is a device that was hardwired to help you engage with it in a thousand different ways. That is exactly why it takes the smallest of distractions to just make you go on and on. It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to put their phones down at the end of the day to get some sleep. It could be that you may just be working on the phone but that would still not change the fact that it is the phone which is disturbing the sleep cycle.

As we have become overly reliant on our smartphones, our own thinking process has been hampered. Every time we have to ponder over something that we are not completely sure about, we just search the web since it would have all the information on the edge of our fingertips within a matter of seconds. Our own creativity has gone out of the window and this is exactly what makes child development slack off. 

The use of smartphones has left us at a risk. A person is more prone to be involved in an accident when they are engaged in their phone. This is because even though you may be aware of the things that are going on around you, you can not entirely be sure because you were too busy in your phone. This has led to a greater number of accidents because when you’re not focused on the road, not only do you put yourself in harm’s way, but you put other people for a potential world of pain. Moreover, people have a hard time putting their phone down while it’s charging. When you are on call with your phone plugged in, there’s a very real chance of the lithium-ion battery inside it to explode.

Our smartphone has absorbed us in such a way that it seems like the world inside of our phone has overtaken the world outside of it. It has made a lot of people undergo depression since they were not as successful as they wanted to be on social media. People are so dependent on their phones that they actually use it as an escape route every single time they feel like they’re caught up in the middle of an uncomfortable social situation. It has hooked us in so deeply that our actual life has suffered because of this. When people are too busy on the phone, they do not spare much time for physical activity that often. This can lead to obesity amongst a list of health issues.