Check SSD of a Laptop

SSDs (solid-state drives) are commonly used in laptops nowadays, which makes a huge impact on the overall performance as they improve the processing speed. They decrease boot time and ensure ultra speed, so you can easily run heavy-duty applications on your system. You will find SSD in most high-end Laptops and MacBooks today as they have become a more reliable option than ordinary hard drives. Many users like to upgrade it to uplift the performance of the laptop.

But it is crucial to know the current Solid-State Drive of your notebook, so you can make the right upgrade decisions. If you do not know it, then it may be difficult for you to achieve the desired results from your machine. Let’s explore this guide to understand how you can check the SSD of your laptop.

Using Task Manager

The simplest way to find the storage of your system is by using the task manager. You can search for the task manager app in the start menu. Also, you can use the key combination of Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open this app.

If small windows appear, then you have to switch to the full mode. You will find the disk icon on the left side below the performance tab, so click on it. The name of the drive of your device will appear here. It will give you the details of the storage, including the name of the manufacturer and model number. You have to click on all internal drives separately to find out their specifications.

Using Disk Management

To get access to the disk management app, you can open the start menu. You will find all the internal and external drives of your device in this app.

You can inspect their properties by right-clicking on them to know whether you have an HDD or other type of storage. In the general tab section, you will also find the actual name of the drive that will provide you with the right information.

Using File Explorer

Another way to check which drive your computer has is by using file explorer. Open the file explorer app of your device and right-click on the partition drive section, and open properties.

You will be able to see the properties dialog section. Here, you need to click on the physical drive that you want to check to know about the relevant details. Below the hardware section in the properties windows, you will be able to see it. The hardware tab will also provide you with the complete list of all drives.

Using Device Manager

Device Manager provides you with another convenient way to figure out the SSD of your device. To open the device manager app, you have to right-click on the start button and choose the device manager option. After opening the app, you have to check the disk drive tree, and here you will get your desired information.


If you want to upgrade your device, then knowing about the SSD is crucial. It can help you make the right upgrade decisions according to your work requirements. In this way, you can know what your machine is capable of and how you can manage your workload.

Hopefully, this article will help you to understand how to check the Solid State Drive of your laptop so you make the right modifications. It will boost the functionality of your machine by improving the processing time and ensuring higher bandwidth. So, eventually, it will help you to elevate your performance and to stay one step ahead of your activities.