One of the successful smartphone companies in China, Xiaomi has introduced their latest smartphone that has made many people question as to whether that phone is a preview of what we can expect in iPhone 8. The new smartphone is called the Mi Mix and it is a behemoth 6.4 inches phone that is beautiful (emphasize on beautiful). The unique features of the phone are that it has a bezel-free screen and curved display corners. After releasing the new iPhone 7, Apple created a rift and a buzz amongst their users as they removed the headphones jack in the phone, which wasn't liked much by the fans. Going a step further, Xiaomi has removed the top bezel’s sensors and the earpiece, now let's see how the fans react to it.

Xiaomi is also considered to be ‘China’s Apple’ and they have developed a product that has foreshadowed the coming of the new iPhone 8, which is still a year away. The company is a success in China and gaining popularity in the other countries as well. Pakistan and India has already welcomed their products and seemed to like them. Mi Mix, their latest launch, will be released by the company in November and will be sold at price as low as just $400. It has a 6.4 inches screen and 91% of the phone is a responsive touch screen. The Mi Mix has great specifications that allow to predict that the phone will be a success. It supports the Snapdragon 821 chipset with 12 GB storage and 4 GB RAM. The camera is also very impressive as it has 16 MP, and has a commendable battery as well.

However, many experts have claimed that the company is using deceitful marketing and advertising to get more people to buy the phone. There is no doubt that the company has brought about a brilliant phone and their efforts should not go unrecognized. However, the marketing and advertising images of the phone reveal top and side bezels and an extremely slim phone but that is not the same as the actual product. Many users will buy the product for its slimness and the bezels but the company is intentionally deceiving their consumers by making the product more attractive in its images. That shall also be noted as of Apple's playbook, as the company is no stranger to deceitful marketing, they were caught hiding the bump of the camera on the back of iPhone 6 in the marketing images and the actual product was different. There is no doubt that the Mi Mix will be a successful product in the market despite their deceitful marketing as the product has many features that overshadow its limitations.