What is the Xbox?


Nope, definitely not a robot; many generation Xers may be alien to the term Xbox, and before we break it down, let's clarify the answer to a few q’s (hey, if we’re using our alphabets, so why must we hold back). 

So here’s what techopedia has taught us: the Xbox is a gaming console brand introduced and owned by Microsoft. It presents “Realistic graphics” for a variety of games. Innovations in the Xbox merchandise include Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.  


Now that we’ve understood a great deal of Xbox and its “generations” a.k.a models, let's gain a holistic understanding of its current market demand so analyze whether or not its the end-game for Xbox (Yes, I love a good Marvel’s end-game with a side of mixed salted and caramel popcorn please)


As 2020 witnesses a delay in the Xbox Series X due to the incumbent COVID-19 threats, speculations have been made regarding the ravenously depleting demand of the Xbox; in a recent interview with CNBC news, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said, “We'll have to check back on it. 


However, while CEO’s like Nadella focus on market and supply chains, the world of console wars has witnessed battles from both within and beyond. As far as inter-console (between different brands of video game consoles)  wars are concerned, the war between Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One has had a palpable victory: glory to Sony’s PS4. Presently, however,  it would be an understatement to declare the death of Xbox One. Game brands such as Call of Duty (COD) and Destiny provide exclusive (we know, we know, what a privileged little soul) content to PS4 gamers. Subsequently, PS4 has also taken the lead not only in JRPGs but further extending on to mainstream shooters. Naturally, in the eyes of the PS4, Xbox is dead, however, intra-console tensions continue to run rampant. 


Microsoft itself announced the end game of Xbox 360 in March 2013; this generation x box was the predominant gaming console until the release of the Xbox One in 2013. Hence, in a blog post, Microsoft announced its decision to continue with the sale of already produced pieces and continue providing customer support. As far as drawing a conclusion from this piece is considered, one must consider the food - good or bad- as a blessing received while 44%  of Pakistan’s children remain food insecure. Moreover, it is natural for newer products to supplant older ones- I mean when have you seen individuals flaunt their iPhone 4G’s in the era of the iPhone X- hence, a dead Xbox 360 in the face of a newer generation doesn’t necessarily make it expedient to suggest that Microsoft’s entire brand itself has become completely outdated- newer models have simpler made it less worthwhile to engage in the purchase of older ones. This merely makes the newer models more worthy of investing, considering that customers are more inclined to purchase. 

The statistics however exacerbate the dark, looming shadow; Microsoft disclosed that its gaming revenue was down 10% during Q4 of its 2019 fiscal year; Xbox One’s hardware sales were scapegoated for a proportion of this decline. While Microsoft claimed that the $233 million dollar worth decline in revenue was due to fewer sales of Xbox One, it must also be accredited to a drop in-game sales. However, the COVID-19 quarantine and an increase in the number of time individuals spend at home has seismically increased people’s spending on indoor activities such as gaming. Nevertheless, there is indeed a silver lining. 


Contrary to 2019’s gloomy revenue cloud, 2020 saw a “spike in sales” of Xbox One, especially across the European continent.  As such evaluated market data from GSD that tracks both hardware and software sales throughout seventeen nations and revealed some incredible statistics of video game consoles having had been swept off shelves recently. As per the report, video game console sales for the March 16 till March 22 week rose by an unanticipated 155% to 259,169. This increase was across the board evidently between Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch with all three brands witnessing a colossal rise in sales. As far as specific countries are concerned, Italy's console sales rose by 84% during the lockdown’s first week while Spain's rose 66.1% towards its second lockdown week. Meanwhile, in France, video game console sales increased by a whopping 140.6% during the lockdown’s first week. Furthermore, those implementing social distance protocols like Australia and the UK saw an increase in sales by 250% and 285.6%, respectively, by week 12 of this lockdown.


At the end of the day, taking into account statistical data, the verbal comments made by Microsoft’s ambassador, it is cogent to conclude that while it may be game over for older Xbox models like Xbox 360 in the face of competitors like Sony PS4, the Xbox on its entirety including its upcoming 2020 generation,  is definitely me in a nutshell