Type on Laptop

The laptop is one of those devices that offers plenty of functions to users. From online browsing to designing images to watching movies, you can do plenty of things. In short, you can use it for professional and entertainment purposes. On the other hand, if you are a writer, then you would like to have typing-friendly features on your device. You would like to have a comfortable keyboard that can make you feel comfortable while you are typing. Also, you would like to know about different methods that can help you write on a laptop with ease.

Devices with touch screens also offer writing pens that can help you to type easily. But configurations of every device are different, so you will not find these features everywhere. Therefore, it is important to know about the common methods that can help you write easily on all devices.

The following ways can make your writing work easier on the laptop.

Use Google Docs

Writing on Google Docs is one of the easy and secure methods. To use Google Docs, you require online connectivity. One of the benefits of working on it is that it keeps your work safe in your Google Drive.

Furthermore, you can keep track of your documents easily by using Google Docs, which can be really helpful if you are a full-time writer. Professional writers have to manage plenty of work which can be a daunting task.

By typing on docs, you will be able to keep your work organized, and it will also keep your work safe. You can make new Google Docs documents, give them names, and access them easily. Another benefit of keeping your files saved on Docs, you can also save storage space on your device.

Use Microsoft Word

One of the most common tools on notebooks or PCs is MS Word. However, it may not be the right option from a security perspective because you may lose the work due to any hard drive issue. But still, it can help you do the work.

MS Word also has autocorrect features that can correct your spelling mistakes. You can also download apps for Word that can positively impact your writing experience, such as Grammarly.

Use Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote is a digital app that many people use worldwide. It is used mostly for taking personalized notes. The good thing about this app is that it is not limited to writing. You can also draw diagrams by using the mouse. It can add value to your work and help you take notes more effectively and easily.

Use Scanning Apps

Although it is not exactly the way of writing the content on any device. But it can make your work easier on the notebook. Using mobile scanning apps can actually help you to convert the already written text on paper into a digital format. In this way, it can save you time and energy as you do not have to rewrite something again manually that you want to transform into digital form.

The first thing you need to do is to download any relevant scanning app such as CamScanner or AdobeScan. After downloading, you can scan your documents through the camera function of the app. You can use it for textbooks, bills, academic material, and receipts. It can help you make the digital file effortlessly and also keep your files online.


You can consider various methods for typing on a laptop to complete your work. You need to choose the right way according to your convenience, which can help you achieve maximum results with minimum effort and boost your productivity. The information given in this post will significantly impact your work and help you to type with ease on the laptop.