is offering a huge variety of high-quality VR headsets at affordable prices. Here the team of Paklap presents a list of things one should know before buying a VR headset. Following are some things you should be aware of about, before buying or using VR devices;

1: High-end VR headsets require processing power from outside and are NOT standalone devices.

They need processing power from an outside source, like a computer or a gaming console.

2: Only three companies are making high-end VR Headsets: Sony, Facebook, and HTC/Valve.

If any customer wants to buy a high-end virtual reality headset in 2016, then they should make sure that the product being purchased is a high-quality and up-to- date device. Sony’s PlayStation VR is compatible only with a PlayStation 4, while the HTC vive and Oculus Rift can only work with high-end PCs. The three different VR solutions come at three different prices. You can choose the one that suits your needs and pocket both.

3: All high-end VR headsets have long wires:

All VR headsets have long cables, so a person is capable of moving his head even if she is standing or walking. This makes it necessary to occupy a sufficient space while playing games to avoid any accident via those wires.

4: All high-end VR headsets require a separate camera or sensor:

VR headsets also have the camera option, and they track the player’s movements in a variety of directions. So it’s quite challenging. The HTC Vibe's tracking system requires vast space in a room along with external power input which can often mean long wires are slinking from the power outlets.

5: Motion controller can be employed to stand in for the user's hands:

Cameras only capture head movements this is why VR heads' creators utilize motion controls. These systems are only optional in VR experience or while gaming. Gamepad facility is also available if anyone wants to use it.

6: You might get sick:

While using Oculus Rifts and HTC 70-80% people felt nauseous. According to scientific research, if a person is using VR and he is walking up the stairs, for instance, but in reality, he is not, so there is a tremendous disconnection. That disconnection makes some people feel nauseatic and sick.

You should choose the VR headset carefully as the good ones are not available for cheap and can go to waste because they may not suit you or are not compatible with your system. You can view detailed specs of each VR headset on This will aid you in choosing the right gadget. Visit to order your favorite VR headset now and avail free home delivery service.