A survey released in 2015 by Pearson, found that 53 percent of fourth and fifth graders, 66 percent of middle schoolers, and 82 percent of high schoolers regularly used a smartphone and I can bet that not even 10% of them use their smartphones for the greater good instead they use it for their own entertainment. The world is lacking the awareness of the beneficial usage of smartphones and it's causing a lot of trouble to people in many ways. In this article I will state 10 beneficial and positive uses of a smartphone because we really need to change the use of a smartphone if we want our younger generation to succeed.


10 Beneficial uses of a Smartphone:


1: Knowledge:

                      One of the biggest advantages of having a smartphone is that we can access any kind of information we want and we can get a lot of knowledge by just searching on google and the best thing is that we don't really have to sit at a particular place or set ourselves up as before attending a class. We can gain knowledge by sitting anywhere we want and that too in the way of our own. Knowledge is power and we have this power in our hands in the shape of a smartphone(obviously with the internet) but sadly we like to use it for other purposes.


2: Gps and Maps:

                     Another beneficial use of a smartphone is GPS and map. We can sync it to the GPS of our car and get to know where it is, in case it is stolen or lost. In old times people found it really hard to travel because they had to trust the maps drawn on a paper which were not so precise and people often got lost but today we have a huge advantage of having maps on our smartphones which are much more accurate and precise. 


3: Fitness:

          Smartphones can also be used for keeping track of our fitness. In the past special machines were made to keep track of one's fitness but today it's very easy and convenient as we just have to download an application on our smartphone and we are done. We can keep track of our heartbeat, steps we walked,our pulse rate and etc. Even there are applications which help us with our health. We can take instructions for the illness or even contact the doctor through them.


4: Business:

          This is a really big advantage/benefit of having a smartphone. One can access or Have all the records of his/her business and he/she doesn't even have to carry a big bag of laptop with him/her. We can even have our full business running through our smartphones, but obviously it depends on the business we have. I think having your business in your pocket is a great benefit of the smartphone and we should really use it for this purpose.


5: Weather:

        We can check the weather in our smartphones anytime,anywhere we want. It's very easy to stay updated on the weather forecast and we can have access to the weather of any city in the world. We are not dependent of the location we are present. It helps in many ways as we can check the weather before travelling to another city, before going to picnic, for our crops etc. It can be used for anything and it's very beneficial to a person.


6: Study:

        Smartphones can be used for study as well. I mean not just for reading or studying something but a student can make assignments, do his/her homework,get access to a dictionary and keep a profile of his/her work etc. Students can study or do work even when they are travelling or eating as they just have to take their phone out of the pocket. They don't have to carry a heavy bag of books or their laptop. It can all be done on just a small smartphone.


7: Voice typing:

                We can type by just speaking. Smartphones have a feature of voice typing by which we can write big assignments and huge paragraphs without our hands getting tired. It is a huge benefit of a smartphone as more work can be done in less time and it's really good in order to make up with the fast moving world. No matter in what profession you are,it saves you a lot of time. It's a feature everyone would love but sadly most of the people are not even aware of this or don't even try to use it because they never use their smartphone for writing something big.


8: Social connection:

                   First of All by social connection I don't mean texting on whatsapp the whole day or scrolling facebook. Smartphones are the easiest way to connect to people  who are far away from us. It helps in developing or maintaining our relations even if we are far away from the respective person. We can also send emails of our work through our smartphone and all this in one device is really remarkable and very beneficial.


9: Phone Banking:

                   Phone banking is really an advanced way of banking,recently many people are doing phone banking but still there are many people who don't even think to use their smartphone for this purpose. For phone banking we just have to download the app of the respective bank on our phone and we can access our bank account from anywhere in the world. We don't have to go to the bank for every small transaction,deposit or withdraw. Phone banking is a really beneficial use of smartphones and I think people should consider it.


10: Radio

         Some people would say that why do we need to listen to the radio when we have a smartphone? Well,the answer to this question is that sometimes we are in an area where there is no internet connection and we wanna listen to news then radio on the phone is the only and the best solution. A cricket fan like me would never like to miss a cricket match,so it doesn't matter if we are travelling or staying in an area where there is no or weak internet,we can still stay updated on the match through the radio.

I seriously think that people and especially the young generation should see a smartphone with a different angle from where they would see that how this device can be so beneficial to us and how we can use it for other purposes other than entertainment and wasting our time.