As technology is advancing day by day, so are the threats that a computer user can face. Whether it be a user in any multilevel organization or a single individual using his computer at home, everyone is at the risk of getting a virus in their computer systems that can delete/alter the work stored or even worse, can get hacked by hackers that can control the operations of their computers.
To counter this dreadful state of affairs, developers have come with software known as “Antivirus”. Antivirus detects, defends and prevents the computer against all malware malfunctions. Nowadays, most of the antivirus in the markets whether free or purchasable, give the users protection against Trojan horses, Worms, spyware, rootkits, keyloggers, adware and ransomware.
The leading antivirus softwares such as Norton, Avira, Bitdefender, McAfee and many others have most of the market captured, as all of these offer the best protection, usability, security enhancing features and technical support. Moreover, the biggest benefit of these softwares is that they are also lightweight and do not slug down the computer`s performance whatsoever.
There are a bunch of free versions of the leading antivirus software available on the market that do not give full protection against all malware malfunction, however, if a user wishes to protect his/her computer completely then has some good news for you. Along with marvelous laptops and systems, we are now dealing in the best and professional antivirus software that can safeguard your computer against all threats.